Adjusting Reality to Fantasy:
For my first lesson plan, I decided to have students play with surrealism where they will collage by experimenting various techniques to explore ways to form their fantasy by chance reality. Here is my LESSON OVERVIEW: This lesson asks students to think of ways to explore fantasy, chance and a variety of ecosystems of nature to recreate their reality using negotiating skills, collage elements and mix media. As an example I will be providing two works I created... along with showing works of art by Salvador Dali - “Metamorphosis of Narcissus” and Dietrich Schuchardt- “ Passage to the Underworld"
Students are to cut 15 images out of magazines or photographs from home that they believe relate to nature. Images can include: landscapes, textures and patterns they see in nature, animals, plants, trees, sea life, humans, etc.
Students then negotiate the images they have in small groups. They want to place images into it's right ecosystem or place the image where they believe it goes.
Students will then make a college composition using their related original and traded images. They will also have the choice of which mix media to use (markers or paint) to make their piece a strong work of art.
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