So after going over our worksheets in class by having another student answer the questions provided, and being able to revise them a few changes were made to mine. Here is the new one...
The format is better now because the students have the space to write and there is nothing distracting them from the images or questions. I also changed the placement of the where the students name and class period would go. Originally I had it on the bottom right corner, which didn't make sense because it should be the first thing students see, not last. But now it is in the upper left corner, where it should be. I elaborated on some of the questions as well.
-In the first image, the questions are : Examine the movements, why is the women being pulled? to where is she being pulled? what significance does the cubical spiral bring to the composition?
-For the second image, the questions are: What is the large green paint can referring to? what type of message is it sending? do you agree with the message? what is the woman doing? why? what's the relationship between her and the paint can?
By doing this worksheet made it easy for me to think about how to do critques in a classroom.
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